This set of posts was inspired by Smart enumeration of a subset of graphs obtained from a parent graph question.

I’ll attempt to assist with the following bits…

…“One idea I could think was that we define biases based on user/operator input. Thus some graphs are more relevant/important than others. Using this as a guiding heuristic we can do some kind of pruning to avoid enumerating all possible graphs.”…

… but first it’s probably a good idea to get comfortable (snack and/or drink in other-words), it’s going to be one of those posts ;-D

Your idea sounds smart for prioritizing computation of unordered (and possibly mutating) structured data sets, keeping humans in the loop allows for the illusion of control and given the strides being made in machine learning… enough hand-waving though time to focus on a portion of this problem; a prioritizing iterator.

The best way that I know how to express this is in Python, I’ll try to keep it to a minimum as far as script size while also only using/inheriting built-ins so that the technical-debt (a measure of having to understand sets of $library_{dependency}$ before even beginning to code), for readers is kept to a minimum too. A balancing act but at least what I share is very generalizable.


Scroll past this code block and on to the next one, it’s just a dependency to keep code clean and mostly reliable.

Note the following script is available for download.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
# ... When in production remove or comment above
#     two lines to gain `pyc` _speed boost_.
#     They're there to mitigate thrashing
#     SSD or similar during development process.

from collections import Iterator

class Hybrid_Iterator(dict, Iterator):
    Contains _boilerplate_ and Python 2/3 compatibility for
    making a looping dictionary. Not intended to be used
    directly but instead to reduce redundant repetition.

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Hybrid_Iterator, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def throw(self, type = None, traceback = None):
        raise StopIteration

    def next(self):
        Inheriting classes __must__ override this method to activate.

        - Called implicitly via `for` loops but maybe called explicitly.
        - `GeneratorExit`/`StopIteration` are an exit signal for loops.

    __next__ = next

if __name__ == '__main__':
    raise Exception("Hybrid_Iterator import and modify it to iterate dictionaries!")

Bellow’s a sketch of Hybrid_Iterator’s super relationships with dict and Iterator classes

Above is nothing overly special on it’s own, in fact without modification it’s in someways a worse dictionary than it was before. Hint, compare the lists of methods available for each via dir(), eg dir(Hybrid_Iterator) to see it’s inner bits that can be called upon… But let’s not get lost in the details, instead get past the prereqs, and on to the proof of concept code and it’s usage.

Above is a sketch of the relationships being built between above and bellow code blocks.

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import sys
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True

from hybrid_iterator import Hybrid_Iterator

class Priority_Buffer(Hybrid_Iterator):

    ## Arguments

    - `graph`, with `{name: sub_graph}` and `sub_graph[key_name]` to compare
    - `buffer_size`, `int` of desired `{name: sub_graph}` pairs to buffer
    - `priority`, dictionary containing the following data structure
        - `key_name`, withing `graph` to compare with `_bound`s bellow
        - `GE_bound`, buffers those greater than or equal to `graph[key_name]`
        - `LE_bound`, buffers those less than or equal to `graph[key_name]`
    - `step`, dictionary containing the following `{key: value}` pairs
        - `amount`, to increment or decrement `_bound`s to ensure full buffer
        - `GE_min`/`LE_max`, bounds the related `_bounds` above
    - `modifier` if set __must__ accept `{key: value}` pairs from `graph`

    def __init__(self, graph, priority, buffer_size, step, modifier = None, **kwargs):
        super(Priority_Buffer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
            graph = graph,
            priority = priority,
            buffer_size = buffer_size,
            step = step,
            modifier = modifier,
            buffer = {})

    def is_buffered(self):
        Returns `True` if buffer is satisfied or graph is empty, `False`
        otherwise. Used by `next()` to detect conditions to `return` on.
        if len(self['buffer'].keys()) >= self['buffer_size']:
            return True

        if len(self['graph'].keys()) <= 0:
            return True

        # ... Note `\` ignores new-lines so that
        #     the following compound checks do not
        #     require excessive side-scrolling...
        if self['step'].get('GE_min') is not None:
            if self['priority']['GE_bound'] < self['step']['GE_min']:
                return True
        elif self['step'].get('LE_max') is not None:
            if self['priority']['LE_bound'] > self['step']['LE_max']:
                return True
            raise ValueError("self['priority'] missing step missing min/max")

        return False

    def top_priority(self, graph = None):
        Yields `dict`s from `graph` where value of `graph[key_name]`,
        as set by `self['priority']['key_name']`, is within range of
        `self['GE_bound']` or `self['LE_bound']`

        - `graph`, dictionary that is __destructively__ read (`pop`ed) from

        > if `graph` is `None` then `top_priority` reads from `self['graph']`
        if graph is None:
            graph = self['graph']

        key_name = self['priority']['key_name']
        for name, node in graph.items():
            # ... Priorities greater or equal to some bound
            if self['priority'].get('GE_bound') is not None:
                if node[key_name] >= self['priority']['GE_bound']:
                    yield {name: graph.pop(name)}
              # ... Priorities less or equal to some bound
            elif self['priority'].get('LE_bound') is not None:
                if node[key_name] <= self['priority']['LE_bound']:
                    yield {name: graph.pop(name)}
                raise ValueError('Misconfiguration, either `GE_`/`LE_bound`s ')


    def next(self):
        Sets `self['buffer']` from `self.top_priority()` and returns `self`
        if not self['graph']:

        self['buffer'] = {}
        priority_gen = self.top_priority()
        while not self.is_buffered:
                # ... to get next priority
                next_sub_graph =
            except (StopIteration, GeneratorExit):
                # ... that we have run out items within
                #     the current bounds, so _step_ in prep
                #     for next iteration of `while` loop
                if self['priority'].get('GE_bound'):
                    self['priority']['GE_bound'] += self['step']['amount']
                    priority_gen = self.top_priority()
                    # ... Note `priority_gen` re-assignments are
                    #     a good place for future optimization.
                elif self['priority'].get('LE_bound'):
                    self['priority']['LE_bound'] += self['step']['amount']
                    priority_gen = self.top_priority()
                    raise ValueError("self['priority'] missing bounds")
                # ... got `next_sub_graph` successfully! So
                except TypeError:
                #     though this is a good spot
                #     for pre-processing too...
                # ... check for other ways out of `while`
                #     loop before doing it all again...

        return self

if __name__ == '__main__':
    A good place to put unit-tests bellow
    because following lines are executed when
    this file is run as a script but ignored
    when imported as a module.
    raise Exception("No priorities?")

Note the above script is available for download.

Indeed that was some code so to cover the what’s, hows, and whys I’ll try to put it into some context with usage examples.

Usage Examples

Provided that the first code block was saved to lib/ and the second to (within what-ever sub-directory you’ve made and changed working directories to), it should be possible to run the following within a Python shell…

from priority_buffer import Priority_Buffer

… which should produce no output just a new line; thrilling for sure.

I’m going to ask Python to generate some toy data to play with, priorities will be randomly set within upper and lower bounds between 0 and 9 respectively…

from random import randint

graph = {}
for i in range(0, 21, 1):
        "sub_graph_{0}".format(i): {
            'points': {},
            'first_to_compute': randint(0, 9),

Above should generate a graph dictionary that’ll look sorta like the following…

for k, v in graph.items():
    print("{0} -> {1}".format(k, v))
# ...
# Graph_4 -> {'points': {}, 'first_to_compute': 0}
# Graph_7 -> {'points': {}, 'first_to_compute': 4}
# Graph_5 -> {'points': {}, 'first_to_compute': 8}
# ...

The first_to_compute keys are what are going to be used soon and I hope readers like it, doesn’t really matter what you call this key so long as you’re consistent between above and bellow code blocks. The sub_graphs key names are unimportant for these examples as dictionaries are unordered, only serving as a hash for look-ups. The points are just place-holders to show that more than one key value pair are allowed in a dictionary; well so long as the keys are unique. Note nesting dicts is often easer than getting data back out without forethought though so this should not be used in production without significant modifications.

Readers who really want something more substantial in complexity to substitute in for points empty dictionary can find a link within the comments of this OP’s question to another class written for a different graph related question. However, for the following set of examples it’ll not be important.

With all that set-up out of the way it is time to initialize the Priority_Buffer class!…

buffer = Priority_Buffer(
    graph = graph,
    priority = {'key_name': 'first_to_compute',
                'GE_bound': 7},
    step = {'amount': -2,
            'GE_min': -1},
    buffer_size = 5,

… then to loop it, safely…

counter = 0
c_max = int(len(graph.keys()) / buffer['buffer_size'] + 1)
# ... (21 / 5) + 1 -> int -> 5

for chunk in buffer:
    print("Chunk {count} of ~ {max}".format(
        count = counter, max = c_max - 1))

    for key, val in chunk['buffer'].items():
        print("\t{k} -> {v}".format(**{
            'k': key, 'v': val}))

    counter += 1

    if counter > c_max:
        raise Exception("Hunt for bugs!")

That business above with counter and c_max is to ensure an initialized Priority_Buffer with inputs that result in contemplating $\infty$ the wrong way are not disastrous. Let the option’s prefix guide your usage, eg. GE_ and GE_ options are to be used together.

… which should output something that looks like…

Chunk 0 of ~ 4
         Graph_18 -> {'points': {}, 'first_to_compute': 5}
         Graph_13 -> {'points': {}, 'first_to_compute': 7}
         Graph_5 -> {'points': {}, 'first_to_compute': 8}
         Graph_8 -> {'points': {}, 'first_to_compute': 9}
         Graph_9 -> {'points': {}, 'first_to_compute': 6}
# ... Trimmed for brevity...
Chunk 3 of ~ 4
         Graph_6 -> {'points': {}, 'first_to_compute': 0}
         Graph_4 -> {'points': {}, 'first_to_compute': 0}
         Graph_3 -> {'points': {}, 'first_to_compute': 0}
         Graph_16 -> {'points': {}, 'first_to_compute': 3}
         Graph_1 -> {'points': {}, 'first_to_compute': 2}
Chunk 4 of ~ 4
         Graph_0 -> {'points': {}, 'first_to_compute': 0}

The original graph dictionary should now be empty, destructive reads with pop() are a memory vs computation optimization feature as well as an attempt to mitigate looking over the same priorities ranges’ worth of data, too redundantly before expanding the search space.

If consuming the graph is not a desired behavior I believe Priority_Buffer(graph = dict(graph),...) copies the source data during initialization, this means you’d have two copies of the same data, however, Priority_Buffer’s will on average always be decreasing… well that is unless you refill buffer['graph'] with an update({'sub_graph_<n>': ...}) before the main loop exits, which hint hint, allowing for such shenanigans on a loop is kinda why it’s written the way it is ;-) though you’ll want to refresh the buffer['GE_bound'] (or LE_bound) to ensure things are bubbling up again like they should.

Using the currently scripted methods you’ll always get chunks size of buffer['buffer_size'] or less. The first found that are greater or equal to buffer['priority']['GE_bound'] (inverse for LE_bound) are returned as a chunk. If for example it didn’t have enough on a given call of (implicitly called by loops), the search space would expand by buffer['step']['amount'] till either it reaches (or crosses) buffer['step']['GE_min'] or the buffer size is satisfied. There’s a few other bits-n-bobs for exiting when graph is empty but that’s the gist of it.

While it’ll happily make mistakes on your behalf at the speed of ohh sh… I think it’s a fair start (in that those within a range are prioritized, first-found $=$ first-poped), and close enough to what you’re asking for that it hacking into something better is totally likely. For example, say ya wanted to implement a YOLO (“You Only Look Once”) algorithm where things are sorted into buckets of ranges, there’d be more code and more buffers

This is probably a good point to pause and allow things to steep. When you’re ready, the following are a few extra tips;

  • be careful with step['amount']’s direction; decrement (use negative numbers) when using GE_ related configurations, and increment when using LE_, – _bounds should be -+1 (less or more by 1) than the total target priority['key_name'] priority value max/min to avoid having a bad time.
  • the priority['GE_bound'], buffer_size, and other values should be played with because ideal settings will depend upon system resources available.
  • for applying $R$ at some level in the execution stack check the other answer I linked in your question’s comments for hints on adding first class function calls, I used Python lambdas there (quick-n-dirty), but functions and methods work similarly.
  • try removing the raise Exception("No priorities?") line within the file, then placing the above usage examples under the if __name__ == '__main__': line (tabbed in one level; Python is sensitive in that way), and then try running the file as a script, eg. python, a few times to observe the behavior of the current sorting methods.
  • If new to Python try, adding print("something -> {0}".format('value')) (replacing 'value' with something), lines anywhere that you want to dump some info during execution, or use a fancy IDE such as Atom (with a few plugins) to enable setting break points and step through parts that don’t quite make sense.

Hope this was somewhat helpful in getting ya up-to speed with how one can develop an approach for solving such problems.

When ready, further reading can be found at the Q&A post, and Advanced Usage posts.