… this site

At it’s core this site’s documentation is built in large part thanks to the Jekyll teams’ amazing work both with their projects and with fostering an astounding level of team-work within the community of Open Source developers. Other third party resources utilized in building this site are (but probably not limited to) the following unordered list.

Note; if you believe you have contributed, or that your content or code has been used without citation, the fastest and easiest route is to fork this repo and correct it with a pull request (see GitHub’s About pull requests for general tips), second fastest would be to Open an Issue to notify project maintainers of the error.

  • Minima “is a one-size-fits-all Jekyll theme for writers.”
  • MathJax “is an open-source JavaScript display engine for LaTeX, MathML, and AsciiMath notation that works in all modern browsers.”
  • Liquid “is a template engine which was written with very specific requirements”…

… contributers

The following entities deserve some thanks for posing questions that encouraged sharing notes and tips related to Python.

… privacy

Seems like every site has to address this somewhere these days, quick-n-short of it is The project maintainers at this point are not interested in collecting or storing such things. GitHub and CDNs utilized to bring you this site are the only entities (that project maintainers are aware of) at all concerned with directly collecting your meta-data here.